Paul Friel

Full Stack Developer


Conferences and Meetups attended

My groups and societies

The British Computer Society

The British Computer Society promotes and advances the education and practice of computing for the benefit of the public. Regular events are held for all members to positively engage in important matters covering education, health & social care, AI & ethics and cyber-security. BCS

Institute of Consulting

The Institute of Consulting helps keep me up-to-date with all the latest management & leadership research and news. Make valuable business contacts at their frequent events and join in the latest debates with our Online Community that attracts the brightest managers. iConsult


iSixSigma is an online forum and KX designed to embrace, discuss and learn process capability tools and methodologies. There is a great mix of experienced and less experienced 'problem solvers' that constantly strive to select the right tool to solve complex process capability problems. The audience is global and this adds to a very rich expereince of understanding social-economic influences that can affect both people and an organisations ability to perform. I occasionally provide mentor support to students seeking to attain certified accreditation. iSixSigma

GlaxoSmithKline Alumni

This alumni group consists of present and past pharma professionals that have served for one of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies. My area of expertise rested in R&D Finance and this was an area of key influence for thye entire company to help decide on revenues and how money gets spent. The community is constant with highly educated and deep skilled people that either present or answer questions. Fantastic insight on product pipeline, research studies, consumer healthcare and collaboration partnerships with key global organisations. GSK alumni

Accenture Alumni

The alumni (UK) group meets up either through online webinars or formal conferences to discuss, learn and reflect upon all things that are technology. That scope of topics is diverse and includes AI, Cloud, Automation, Security, STEM education, Big Data, Blockchain, FinTech startups, etc. Theres never a dull moment!! Accenture Alumni

The Code Institute Alumni

I spent in excess of 12 months training with The Code Institute on their infamous bootcamp. The student and alumni group allows the education to continue through interacting with like-minded developers. Keeping upto date with software package upgrades, fellow alumni career development, CI initiatives, new project opportunities and much more is all available in this relatively small, but well informed group. The Code Institute Alumni

Stack Overflow

Stackoverflow has been and is currently still influential in helping to solve coding problems and to help fellow coders in solving their problems too. The forum is straight talking and built upon present a question with the remit of an answer in response. Continued techncial development is rewarded via an innovative scoring system based upon both the quality and quantity of questions and answers raised. Stackoverflow

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