Overall, there appears to be a normal distribution (bell curve) at 70 marks out of 100 for all subjects. This points towards both a clean data set and a significant sample size.
Mode Range - Math scores peaked between 59-65 marks, reading scores peaked between 64-74 marks & writing scores peaked between 68-74 marks.
Mode Frequency - Maths (female students score 65 (28 students/5%) vs Male 62 (19 students/4%). Reading (male students score 74 (19 students/4%) vs female 72 (23 students/4%). Writing (female students score 70 (24 students/4%)
vs Male 68 (18 students/4%).
Summary - Female students exam results appear to be marginally better than male students. The reminder of the detailed analysis may uncover further reasons on female student exam results supremacy.