
This dashboard contains data sourced from SERD covering 1,000 students.

The graphical visualizations are created to provide an executive summary of student exam performance, together with detailed data analysis through clicking on the individual charts.

Individual student exam peformance in Maths, Reading and Writing can be viewed through clicking on 'Filter by student' dropdown box.

Alternatively, combinations of data can be configured through the use of options contained in dropdown boxes.


The data sample shows there is almost a 50/50 split of female vs male students.

A sample size of 1,000 is significant and the detailed analysis below is designed to understand the examination success of all students.

This takes into account factors that may have influenced the students respective learning journeys.

Line Graph Analysis

Overall, there appears to be a normal distribution (bell curve) at 70 marks out of 100 for all subjects. This points towards both a clean data set and a significant sample size.

Mode Range - Math scores peaked between 59-65 marks, reading scores peaked between 64-74 marks & writing scores peaked between 68-74 marks.

Mode Frequency - Maths (female students score 65 (28 students/5%) vs Male 62 (19 students/4%). Reading (male students score 74 (19 students/4%) vs female 72 (23 students/4%). Writing (female students score 70 (24 students/4%) vs Male 68 (18 students/4%).

Summary - Female students exam results appear to be marginally better than male students. The reminder of the detailed analysis may uncover further reasons on female student exam results supremacy.

Math vs Reading Regression Analysis

Female students appear to have stronger results in reading, whereas male students appear to be stonger in maths

Reading vs Writing Regression Analysis

Both female and male students are equally consistent when comparing reading & writing exam results.

Math vs Writing Regression Analysis

Female students appear to have stronger results in writing, whereas male students appear to be stronger in maths

Bar Chart1 - Ethnicity Overview

Total student population comprises of 5 ethnic groups

35% of female & 29% of male students come from ethnic group C

28% of male & 25% of female students come from ethnic group D

Group A is least populated overall, but is mostly dominated by male students at nearly 60%, with their best performance in maths, whereas female students in this group fair much better in reading and writing.

Bar Chart2 - Parents Education

Irrespective of gender, 60% of the student parents experienced their education at high school & some college

Upon closer inspection, the 'clever genes' appear to reside in both ethnic groups' C & D. Ethnic groups' C & D account for 58% of total sample size and was responsible for good upper quartile results in Maths, Reading & Writing.

In addition, 41% of parents for these students have a degree level education.

Pie Chart1 - Lunch Analysis

There is roughly a 2/3 to 1/3 split on students access to a standard lunch. There appears to be an improvement in all exam subject areas where students can claim a standard lunch.

Both female & male students follow the same overall ratio (1:3), although ethnic group A sees an increase in free/redeuced lunches at 40%.

In summary, there may be a case that an impecunious student may struggle with achieving better exam results.

Pie Chart2 - Exam Preparation

36% of all students completed prepartions for their exams and the same ratio split applies to both female and male student groups too.

Ethnic group C featured strongly in their exam results through students completing their exam preparations.

In summary, there appears to be a trend of better exam results where students have committed their time to complete prepartions for their exams.